[PAST] Self-Led Grieving - Mel Galbraith & Ellen Sharp

By IFSCA (other events)

Friday, October 18 2024 2:00 PM 5:00 PM EST

Navigating Loss with IFS: Empowering Your Journey Through Grief

Inevitably we all go through loss, it's the human experience. Whether we lose our favorite stuffed animal, are changing schools, have a chronic illness, lose a partner, or a beloved friend dies. Our protectors have also learnt rules and beliefs about ‘appropriately’ responding to grief and loss.

In this training we will look at beliefs and ideas our protectors have taken on about grieving and loss and how IFS talks about grief. We will also learn how to work with parts holding grief, parts protecting grief, and the oscillation between the two.

This event will be recorded and the recording will be available to live participants and those unable to attend live for 1 month following the Masterclass.